Monday, August 27, 2007
A Bad Dream
I did hear from Brad this morning. He has a headache and a black eye and his teeth hurt. He dreads going to classes this week because everyone will be asking him the same questions. His staples will come out at the end of the week. His girlfriend has made mashed potatoes for him and is bringing him applesauce and pudding so he can eat.
To make matters worse, Chris' puppy, Brutus, was hit by a truck Saturday morning in front of our house. He was only outside for 30 seconds and was run over by a woman who does not even live back here. (We live on a dead end circle and there is very little traffic.) Brutus was Chris' buddy and he is just absolutely devastated. He says he loses everything he loves. I received a text message on my phone from Chris when I was halfway home telling me he had just buried Brutus behind the shed. The tears started rolling down my cheeks as I was driving and I couldn't make them stop. I pulled over to the side of the road several times on the way home. . .when my children hurt, I hurt, too. . . . But, I did make it home. Brutus was such a good puppy and had bonded so well with Chris. He knew Chris was his master. He would wait by the door for Chris to come home from work and they would lay on the kitchen floor together, playing and snuggling every day. Chris is hurting over the loss of Brutus.
Brutus was my buddy, too. My walk these last two mornings have not been the same without Brutus carrying the leash in his mouth, leading the way. He had greatness in him and would have been a wonderful dog.
Steve left on Sunday for Poland. . .I did have a good time in Nashville with family and friends and was warmly welcomed to the TN Council for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing. I am still processing all the information from the meeting. . . there is much to do! But, I know I am in the right place and hopefully will be able to make a difference.
Thank you to all of you for your comments, thoughts, & prayers. Every day won't be a good day but every day can be a "God" day.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Roller Coaster Ride
This was my Bible verse this morning. . .
"Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. . ." (John 14:27)
Monday, August 20, 2007
News Flash!
I received an email earlier today about my article in the paper posted on another CI forum. And I hadn't even read it yet or told anyone! But, we were pleased with the article and the writer did a good job. By the time we were done with the interview last week, I felt I had gained a new friend. And will keep in touch with her.
There was also a small notice in the Knoxville News Sentinel today about all the recent appointments made statewide by the Governor. (You'll have to scroll down to the bottom for this one.)
I have my first Council meeting later this week . . .and I'm looking forward to it. I'm anxious to meet the other council members. I already have some ideas and information to share with them. Will also spend some time with Jennifer (who was recently approved for a second cochlear implant) and some quilting friends from another list that I belong to. (There is a huge quilt show at the Opryland Hotel this weekend and I plan to stop by to see all the quilts and vendors. Should be a fun but busy weekend!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Marissa Moves To UTC
Monday, August 13, 2007
We Will Prevail!
Brad has one of Riga's puppies and named him Leon. Leon was the runt of the litter and has "bonded" well with Brad. And follows him everywhere! The picture below is Steve, Brad, and Leon walking on the campus.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Total Relaxation
I slowly "recharged my batteries" and this getaway was just what I needed. A change of scenery and pace. I shopped, got a manicure & pedicure & massage. I also enjoyed time with my brothers and relatives at another family reunion on Saturday. Visited with my best friend, Missy, from high school. Also went to my class reunion, which was really a "50th Birthday Bash" for our class because we all turned 50 this year. That was interesting and fun.
One of the gals in my high school class went to church with me and we were in the same youth group together. I had not seen her for 30 years and she remembered going to church camp with me when we were growing up. She said that she has never forgotten how I used to tie an alarm clock around my wrist to wake me up in the mornings! I was surprised she remembered that. We had a delightful time catching up on our families and where we had been all these years.
I had a good trip home and met Steve, Chris, and Marissa in Knoxville for dinner at the Olive Garden. That was a nice way to end a vacation. Steve drove me the rest of the way home because I was so tired after driving for six hours straight. But it was good to be home again.
P.S. I still haven't heard an owl yet. The crickets are too noisy!
Thursday, August 02, 2007
A Simple Life - Part Two
Black and turquoise quilting detailThis quilt was for sale and was going to be taken to the auction. It had cross-stiched flowers in the center. I loved the colors.
She showed us some more quilts and as we talked, I observed the simplicity of this clean and organized Amish home. (I also noticed that the young girl that we had seen earlier sweeping the back porch had disappeared and stayed out of sight until we left.) Then we went outside to see her flowers and gardens. The picture below is her front porch. That is Trudy in the bottom right corner.
This was a grape arbor with a barrel of flowers in the center.
Salvia in the front flower bed. All of her gardens were just beautiful!
Trudy and I thoroughly enjoyed this unique opportunity to see an Amish home close up. This woman seemed like she was glad for some adult female conversation. And invited us to come back anytime.
Sometimes I wish life was simple like the Amish. But, they do have a hard life and it probably isn't as easy as it seems.
Trudy and I went back to her house and spent the next two days sewing and quilting. I had brought my sewing machine with me and started on a denim quilt for Marissa. I promised I'd make her a quilt before she left for college. Nothing fancy but I made denim quilts for the boys when they left home. Here's a picture of the denim quilt (with Trudy's cat, Slick!)