Four years ago I heard the sound of a little boy's voice as he talked to his mom....sounds I had missed when our children were little...
Four years ago my four children surprised me with my very first iPod.... (I'm on my second one now!)
Four years ago I heard the beautiful sound of 19,000 women singing in acapella, the faint sounds of 19,000 Bible pages turning in complete silence, and 19,000 women worshipping together at a Beth Moore Conference in Knoxville...
It is hard to believe that I've been on this wonderful "Dance with Sound" for the last four years. I never dreamed it would be possible to hear this well in my lifetime, going from a severe/profound hearing loss to normal hearing in both ears. (I went bilateral with my second ear in January of 2007.) I still continue to discover "new" sounds in different environments but not as frequently as I did in the beginning. Getting a cochlear implant (or two) is not a "quick fix" to a hearing loss and it took much hard work and perseverance on my part to get to where I am today. I spent over a year in therapy just learning to hear all over again because I never heard those high pitched sounds that are such an important parts of speech. I had family members read to me and practiced listening to books on tape. I practiced on the phone even though I dreaded it. But it has all been worth it worth it and I'm still "practicing" today.
My cochlear implants have given me a new lease on life and connected me to another world of deaf and hard of hearing friends from all over the U.S. and the world, through the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) and through this blog.
One of the best parts of this journey is being able to hear the precious & sweet "little voice" of our grandson!
And I couldn't help but smile and say "Thank you, Lord" as I listened to the sound of the rain above me in church this morning as we sang "Grace Like Rain...falls down on me.....Alleluia!"
Oh wow... I needed tissues for this one. You made me cry girl! (grin) I don't think it ever gets old this... "hearing again".
Blessings to you and yours Laurie!
Beautifully written. I am so blessed to have crossed paths with you and I look forward to many more earventures with you!
Happy CI anniversary!
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