Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Things are Changing

Only six more days! I'm not really nervous or anxious yet. I think it is because I've been through it before and know what to expect. Hopefully it will be easier the second time around. Prayers and words of encouragement from others are a great source of comfort. My greatest concern is the vertigo issue. I just hope and pray it isn't as bad as it was last time. I called Dr. Merwin's office this afternoon and left a message to let them I didn't have my pre-surgery instructions in the mail yet. Teresa, his nurse, called back shortly afterwards and said that I will need to be at the hospital by 5:30 a.m. on Tuesday morning and surgery will start at 7:30 a.m. It's starting be be more "real" now. Steve will be flying home on Monday night from a business trip and will be able to take me this time. Last time his flight was cancelled the night before because of Hurricane Katrina and I didn't see him until after I was in recovery!

I've made it over a week without my hearing aid. I'm not missing it too much anymore but I do notice that things *sound different* at times. Especially in the evenings after a long day. I'm also noticing that I can comprehend longer phrases and more words on the radio, in normal conversations, in prayers being said in church, on TV, etc. without needing to lipread as much. It is almost as if sounds are becoming crisper and clearer. Maybe my hearing aid wasn't really helping at all and was just "in the way." I guess I couldn't let go of it earlier because it was so much a part of me all these years. I still need to lipread and probably always will to some degree. The nonverbal cues are such an important part of hearing and understanding, even for those with normal hearing.

I had lunch with my friend, Linda, today at McAllister's. I needed a hug from her before Tuesday! Also went to Bible Study last night and prayer meeting tonight. I'm also VERY busy at work trying to get some work caught up before I'm out of commission again. Brad will be bringing two carloads of friends home this weekend from Virginia Tech. They come every January to spend the weekend and go to Gatlinburg. I'll be too busy cooking and cleaning to get nervous about surgery! Think good thoughts for our family on Tuesday - especially for Steve. He gets anxious every time I "go under the knife" and this is the third time in five years.

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